Keyword: Snake / Aquarius / O / Koara / Myosin / I
was born in Numazu and grew up in Shizuoka
/ 水瓶座 / O型
/ コアラ
/ ミオシン / 沼津生まれの静岡育ち
I am a professor of Graduate School of Information Science,
Nagoya University.
I would like to enjoy my life and scientific research as much as I can.

Major 専門
- Biophysics 生物物理学
- Bioinformatics 生命情報学
Especially 特に
Structural Bioinformatics 構造バイオインフォマティクス
Structural Bioinfomatics examines biological phenomena based on the tertiary
structure of proteins or nucleic acids by means of computational way, instead
of experiments
Research Interests 研究テーマ
- Protein complexes タンパク質複合体
- Protein-protein interactions タンパク質の相互作用
- Protein folding タンパク質のフォールディング
- Intrinsically disordered protein 天然変性タンパク質
- Protein structure prediction タンパク質の立体構造予測
- Protein design タンパク質のデザイン
- Comparative genomics 比較ゲノム
- Systems biology システムバイオロジー
Education / Employments 学歴と職歴
- 1990 M. S. Waseda University (Applied Physics, Aizawa Laboratory)
- 1990 Researcher, Tonen Corporation 東燃株式会社
- 1994 Researcher, Protein Engineering Research Institute (株)蛋白工学研究所
- 1996 JSPS Research Fellow 日本学術振興会特別研究員
- 1996 Ph. D. Waseda University (Applied Physics, Aizawa Laboratory)
- 1996 Assistant Professor, National Institute of Genetics
(CIB-DDBJ) 国立遺伝学研究所助手
- 2002 Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (GSIC)
- 2008 Professor, Nagoya University (SIS) 名古屋大学教授
Selected Papers 主要論文
- Isogai Y., Ito Y., Ikeya T., Shiro Y., Ota M.
Design of λCro fold: solution structure of a monomeric variant of the de novo
protein. J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 354, 801-814, pubmed
- Ota, M., Ikeguchi, M., Kidera, A.
Phylogeny of protein-folding trajectories reveals a unique pathway to native
structure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2004) 101,
17658-17663, pubmed
- Ota, M., Kinoshita, K., Nishikawa, K.
Prediction of catalytic residues in enzymes based on known tertiary structure,
stability profile, and sequence conservation. J. Mol. Biol. (2003)
327, 1053-1064, pubmed
- Ota, M. , Kawabata, T., Kinjo, A. R., Nishikawa,K.
Cooperative approach for the protein fold recognition. Proteins (1999)
suppl.3, 126-132, pubmed
- Ota, M., Kanaya, S., Nishikawa, K.
Desk-top analysis of the structural stabilities of various point mutations
introduced into ribonuclease H. J. Mol. Biol. (1995) 248,
733-738, pubmed

My Favorite Things お気に入り
- Jazz music
Michael Brecker, David Liebman, Art Pepper, Jaco Pastorius,
Pat Metheny, Toots Thielemans, Chick Corea, Flora Purim, Karen Carpenter
- Movies
Pierrot Le Fou 気狂いピエロ, El Topo エルトポ, A Crockwise Orange 時計仕掛けのオレンジ,
Savage Messah 狂えるメサイア, Annie Hall アニーホール
- Books
Haruki Murakami 村上春樹, Natsuo Kirino 桐野夏生,
Yoshiharu Tsuge つげ義春, NARUTO
- Restaurants
Curry カレー: Mu-min 夢民,
Eikoku ya えいこく屋
Eel 鰻: Unashige うな繁, Suisen en 水泉園
Ramen ラーメン: Shimasaka しま坂, Ichiban ya いちばんや,
Baiko ken 梅光軒
Italian, Spanish 西洋系: El Pescador, Patisserie Michel
Take out お総菜: Natsume ya 夏目家
- Foot ball
- Hot spring 温泉

Contact 連絡先
- mail: mota AT is DOT nagoya-u DOT ac DOT jp
- address: Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan 〒464-8601
- tel & fax: 81-52-789-4782
Department of Complex Systems Science 複雑系科学専攻
Graduate School of Information Science 情報科学研究科
School of Informatics and Sciences 情報文化学部
Nagoya University 名古屋大学
Department of Biological Science 生体システム専攻
Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology 生命理工学研究科
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center 学術国際情報センター
Tokyo Institute of Technology 東京工業大学
Center for Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan
National Institute of Genetics 国立遺伝学研究所

Motonori Ota (14/4/09)